I-Kitchen CountheRops Grancite ye-Green Fusion Woow ye-Wow Fintusy rantaszy
I-fantasy ye-rountasy ye-blue, ebizwa ngokuba yi-curnion eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka yeWaw How, lilitye eliphezulu. Umbala wayo ubukhulu becala luhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, kunye nemibhalo ye-white, grey kunye nezinye iitoni, zinika abantu iimvakalelo ezintle kwaye zintle. - I-Aquarella Flourchite ye-A-Aquarella ye-Asarella i-Super-Storemes ephezulu yokuphela koMhombiso eyaziwayo ngombala wayo owodwa kunye nolwazelelelo. I-purle ithathwa njengophawu lobukhosi kunye nemfihlakalo, enika abantu imbonakalo yesidima kunye nobungangamsha. At the same time, the patterns and textures of Aquarella quartzite are rich and diverse, sometimes showing cloud-like, water-like or mountain-like patterns, giving people a sense of natural beauty and art.
I-Trackline uyila Matt yefomathi ye-Ivory Wit Gught Tractline Porcelain Tile
I-Porcelain Slab, eyaziwa ngokuba ngamatye asontiweyo. It is created from natural raw materials using a sophisticated method including a press weighing more than 10,000 tons (more than 15,000 tons), innovative production equipment, and firing at a high temperature of more than 1200 degrees Celsius. Yindlela ye-noves ye-ceramic enamagama aphezulu anokunyamezela ukusika, ukuqhuba, ukugaya, kunye neminye imisebenzi yokulungisa. -
I-Liles yeNdalo yeNdalo yeNdalo
Ilitye le-plano yelitye lezinto ezithandwayo zokwakha ezithandwa ngabantu abaninzi ngenxa yombala wayo onobunkunkqele kunye nombala; Ihlala i-beige ngesimo segolide esisinika i-Upscale, imbonakalo yengcambu xa isetyenziswa kwi-Decor kunye noyilo. -
I-Wholedale Honet Light Liestone Empline Liestone
I-Quicks yeListone sisixhobo esidumileyo esithandwayo sangaphakathi nangaphandle, phantsi kolwakhiwo. Eli gama livela kwithoni le-grey kunye nobunzima be-hue yayo, efana nequickks. Natural limestone offers particular qualities for heat preservation and sound absorption, as well as high resistance to wear and corrosion. -
I-1mm blexsweight righty rightiedy iltra yamatye ye-veneer panels marble snabs ze-claddring
In addition, the conventional thickness of ultra-thin stone is: 1~5mm, the thickness of light-transmitting stone is 1.5~2mm, the specific specifications and structure composition, the backing material of ultra-thin stone is cotton and Fiberglass, Super Ukuguquguquka kunye nokukhanya, ubungakanani bayo obuqhelekileyo: 1200mmx600mm kunye ne-1200x2400mm.